Drew Colbert 2023-06-01
The goal of this post is to demonstrate some of my SQL abilities and to show that I can gather, transform, and manipulate the data how I need it in order to perform a certain task, whether it be make a chart or make a table to summarize the data, doing it in SQL first is the way it will be done.
A quick outline of the data. This is statcast data collected for the Boston Red Sox hitters and pitchers. For this post, I am only going to be focusing on the hitters. I more in depth and interactive application is in the works. This data is collected through ‘baseballr’ and is uploaded to a local instance of MySQL that I created. I update this data everyday so it is as current as 5/31/2023. All of the column definitions can be found on the statcast website.
Starting with the very beginning, here we use a simple select statement to grab some data and then visualize that data in R. The ‘WHERE’ clause is a bit unique because I didn’t want to hard-code a value in there, instead whenever you run this code it grabs the most current data.
The chart shows a basic density plot of the locations of pitches that Red Sox hitters saw in their most recent game, along with each at bat result and the location of the pitch where that event took place.
plate_x, plate_z, at_bat_event
game_date = (SELECT DATE(MAX(game_date)) FROM statcast_batters) AND at_bat_event IS NOT NULL;
num_events <- length(unique(current_data$at_bat_event))
img <- readJPEG(".../catchers_view3.jpeg")
strike_zone <- data.frame(x1 = -0.705, x2 = 0.705, y1 = 1.5, y2 = 3.6)
ggplot(current_data) +
background_image(img) +
geom_density2d_filled(aes(x = plate_x, y = plate_z),
bins = 6,
show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(alpha("#FFFFFF", 0),
alpha("#ffc100", 0.7),
alpha("#ff9a00", 0.7),
alpha("#ff7400", 0.7),
alpha("#ff4d00", 0.7),
alpha("#ff0000", 0.7))) +
geom_rect(data = strike_zone, aes(xmin = x1, xmax = x2, ymin = y1, ymax = y2),
inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = NA, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = plate_x, y = plate_z, color = at_bat_event),
na.rm = TRUE,
size = 5) +
scale_color_manual(values = viridis(num_events)) +
labs(color = "Result of At Bat") +
xlim(c(-2.85,3)) +
ylim(c(0, 5)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank())
One big problem with our data is that a lot of different stats are not directly included in our data. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot figute out what those stats are. The most common way to avaluate a hitter in a quick snapshot is to look at thie slash line. A slash line consist of a hitters batting average, on-base percentage, and slugging percentage; none of which are found in our data as it currently stands. Luckily for us, we can use SQL to generate a slash line for each player on our roster. The query itself looks long and complicated but it carefully crafted to generate a slash line, which is then displayed in the table below.
ROUND(COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event IN ('single', 'double', 'triple', 'home_run') THEN at_bat_event END) / COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event NOT IN ('walk', 'hit_by_pitch', 'sac_fly', 'sac_bunt',
'sac_fly_double_play', 'catcher_interf') THEN at_bat_event END), 3) AS BA,
ROUND(COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event IN ('single', 'double', 'triple', 'home_run', 'walk', 'hit_by_pitch') THEN at_bat_event END) / COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event NOT IN ('walk', 'hit_by_pitch', 'sac_fly',
'sac_bunt', 'sac_fly_double_play', 'catcher_interf') THEN at_bat_event END), 3) AS OBP,
ROUND(((COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event LIKE 'single%' THEN at_bat_event END)) + (COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event LIKE 'double%' THEN at_bat_event END) * 2) + (COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event LIKE 'triple%' THEN
at_bat_event END) * 3) + (COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event LIKE 'home_run%' THEN at_bat_event END) * 4)) / COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event NOT IN ('walk', 'hit_by_pitch', 'sac_fly', 'sac_bunt',
'sac_fly_double_play', 'catcher_interf') THEN at_bat_event END), 3) AS SLG
players ON players.player_mlbam_id = statcast_batters.batter_mlbam_id
at_bat_event is NOT NULL
slashlines <- datatable(slash_lines,
rownames = FALSE,
colnames = c("Player Name", "BA", "OBP", "SLG"),
options = list(
pageLength = 20,
dom = "t",
ordering = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
paging = FALSE,
scrollCollapse = FALSE,
autowidth = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(width = '50px', targets = c(0,1,2,3))),
initComplete = JS(
"function(settings, json) {",
"$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#2c2c54', 'color': '#ff4d4d'});",
) %>%
formatRound(columns = c("BA", "OBP", "SLG"), digits = 3)
Finally, I wanted to show a players batting average over time and how it changes throughout the year. As we know from above, we don’t have batting average included in our data and we need a pretty long and complicated aggregate function in order to get it, how could we find the moving average of this number throughout the year for all of our players? Well, one thing we can do is use a temporary table and we can draw from that and use our window function on the temporary table to get our required result. So in this case, the from clause is another select statement that generates a temporary table. Our window function then goes through this temporary table and generates a moving average for a players batting average throughout the entire year, using all of the previous averages. The final result is a nice dataset containing our player names, the game dates, and the players season batting average on those dates. We can graph this nicely using ggplot and plotly, double clicking on a players name allows you to isolate their batting average and you can click on more times to easily compare.
ROUND(AVG(BA) over(PARTITION BY player_full_name ORDER BY game_date), 3) AS current_ba
(SELECT player_full_name, game_date,
ROUND(COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event IN ('single', 'double', 'triple', 'home_run') THEN at_bat_event END) / COUNT(CASE WHEN at_bat_event NOT IN ('walk', 'hit_by_pitch', 'sac_fly',
'sac_bunt', 'sac_fly_double_play', 'catcher_interf') then at_bat_event end), 3) as BA
FROM statcast_batters
JOIN players ON players.player_mlbam_id = statcast_batters.batter_mlbam_id
WHERE at_bat_event is NOT NULL
GROUP BY player_full_name, game_date) AS raw_averages
BA_over_time$game_date <- as.Date(BA_over_time$game_date)
p <- ggplot(BA_over_time) +
geom_line(aes(x = game_date,
y = current_ba,
group = player_full_name,
color = player_full_name,
text = paste("Date: ", game_date, "<br>", "BA: ", current_ba, "<br>", "Player Name: ", player_full_name, sep = ""))) +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b", date_breaks = "1 month") +
labs(title = "Batting Averages Throughout the Season",
x = "",
y = "Batting Average",
color = "Player Name") +
averages_over_time <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text", hovermode = "x") %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE)